Wind vs Solar Task Queues
How do we make Shard build wind generators on windy maps, and solars on others?
Here, a function that determines the average wind speed and returns a wind generator if it’s above 10, or a solar if it’s less, is used in the core kbot constructors task list/build list.
--[[ Task Queues! ]]-- math.randomseed( os.time() ) math.random(); math.random(); math.random() function CoreWindSolar() if game:AverageWind() > 10 then return "corwind" else return "corsolar" end end local corecommanderlist = { CoreWindSolar, "cormex", CoreWindSolar, "cormex", "cormex", "corlab", "corllt", "corrad", CoreWindSolar, CoreWindSolar, CoreWindSolar, CoreWindSolar, CoreWindSolar, "cormex", "cormex", "cormex", "corllt", CoreWindSolar, } taskqueues = { -- unittype = tasklist, corcom = corecommanderlist }